Both East and West Jökulsá in Skagafjörður make the list of the top river rafting spots in Europe. The river East Jökulsá has a rating of 4+ out of 5 for difficulty. Landsvirkjun plans to harness the energy of the rivers and according to the proposal Skatastaðir Power Plant B, an 80 m-high dam would be constructed in Pollagil canyon.
Skatastaðir Power Plant B

Rivers East and West Jökulsá in Skagafjörður
- Skatastaðir Power Plant B
- See on map
- See photo
- Awaiting further assessment
Rivers Jökulsár in Skagafjörður
Landsvirkjun has plans to build power plants in the twin rivers Jökulsár in Skagafjörður. The Master Plan for Hydro and Geothermal Energy Resources lists three power proposals in the area, namely Skatastaðir Power Plant B, Skatastaðir Power Plant C and Villinganes Power Plant, but all three await further assessment.
The rivers and their drainage basins are highly valued for the areas cultural relics, geological features and their related phenomena, water conditions, rare animal and plant species, ecosystem and soil.
Power plant construction in the rivers Jökulsár in Skagafjörður would endanger the wetlands in the fjords lowland areas. The wetlands are formed of sediment deposited by the glacial rivers, that slowly but unceasingly carry glacial debris, sand and mud to sea.
Photo © Hlynur Stefánsson
According to research carried out by Icelands Institute of Freshwater Fisheries, The construction of power plants B and C at Skötustaðir would seriously encroach on the migration routes of migratory brown trout and Arctic char. The habitats of rare local populations of Arctic char would be aversely impacted.
Photo © Christopher Lund
Power plant construction in the rivers Jökulsár in Skagafjörður could have a negative impact on the local economy. The tourism industry especially would be dealt a heavy blow and some tourist attractions would be ruined, such as river rafting in the rivers an immensely popular activity and ever-growing business.
The eastern Jökulsá river has some of Europes top river rapids, and is graded 4+ out of 5 for difficulty. The western Jökulsá river is also important for the local tourism industry. It is graded 3 out of 5, which means that it is suitable for all age groups of river rafters.
River rafting has created a large number of jobs locally.
Photo © Haukur Snorrason
Power Proposals
Landsvirkjuns proposals for the Skatastaðir Power Plant B entail the construction of a 184 MW plant, with diversions from the rivers Fossá and Hölkná, from Nýjabæjarfjall mountain and the Hraunþúfa diversion. An 80 m dam would be constructed in the eastern Jökulsá river.
If plans for the Skatastaðir Power Plant C come to fruition, the proposal for Skatastaðir Power Plant B will be abandoned.
Photo © Mats Wibe Lund